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Your next Lyft will stop at Taco Bell on the way home

2024-09-21 17:38:36 [新闻中心] 来源:Anhui News

Get ready for Taco Mode.

Lyft's latest gimmick is a fun one—if you're hungry on the way home.

The ride-hailing app will let you choose to stop at Taco Bell (and pay for your tacos through the app) on the way to your destination.

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"We enjoy bringing new experiences to life for our passengers, and Taco Mode allows them to extend the night in a way that hasn't been done before,” Melissa Waters, Lyft's head of marketing, said in a statement. “We're combining two of our passengers' favorite activities—a night out with friends and enjoying Taco Bell—which means there is even more of the night to love."

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Uber has UberEats (and a McDonald's promotion), but Lyft is cornering the market on tacos. When you choose to stop at Taco Bell from your Lyft, you get a custom in-car menu and a free Doritos Locos taco.

Mashable ImageTaco Mode in action.Credit: lyft

Taco Mode is available in beta in Orange County, California from July 27 to 29 and Aug. 3 to 5. But you can only stop between 9 p.m. and 2 a.m. or, Lyft hopes, after a night out.

Don't worry, though. Taco Mode is heading to more markets by the end of the year and going nationwide in 2018.

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