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Trump's indefensible response to the synagogue shooting draws outrage

2024-09-22 15:38:22 [关于我们] 来源:Anhui News

"If they had protection inside, the results would have been far better."

That's what Donald Trump had to say after learning of a shooting that occurred at a synagogue in Pittsburgh on Saturday. He thinks that good guys with guns -- whether in the congregation or via hired security -- could have stopped this bad guy with a gun.

Instead of making the easy choice to condemn the violent actions that led to multiple deaths, the President of the United States paraphrased an NRA talking point.

Trump made a different kind of easy choice here. He doesn't care about this country. He doesn't care about his "base," the voters who still support him despite his active efforts to make many of their lives worse. He only cares about himself. And there's money to be made in keeping the NRA happy.

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SEE ALSO:Twitter shames Trump for doing the absolute least in the wake of explosive devices

So he shifted the blame. It's not the gunman who strode into a synagogue during Saturday morning Shabbat services who's at fault. It's the synagogue for not hardening itself against such threats.

His critics on Twitter saw right through it of course, just like they always do. The outraged response Trump drew won't change his behavior in the slightest, but here's yet another receipt, another example of wounded voters struggling to comprehend the evil actions of their president, added to the pile.

These are the more even-tempered responses, pulled primarily from heavily followed "verified" accounts. And remember, this is what the Jewish community is dealing with on Saturday:

Just remember to vote on Nov. 6 like your life depends on it. Because unless you're a straight, white, conservative Christian, it probably does.

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