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Trump wiretapping tweets confirmed by Susan Rice story.

2024-09-21 19:30:53 [行业动态] 来源:Anhui News
A man vindicated.

Olivier Douliery/Pool/Getty Images

White House press secretary Sean Spicer, assistant deputy White House press secretary Sean Hannity, and President Trump himself are among those who’ve suggested that Donald Trump’s March 4 claim that Barack Obama wiretapped his apartment has been validated, in a broad sense, by recent reports that Obama officials may have circulated the identities of Trump transition team figures who were caught up in the legal surveillance of foreign targets. On Monday, this strain of revisionist triumphalism reached a fever pitch after reports that Obama national security adviser Susan Rice had specifically asked for the names of Trump-related figures to be “unmasked” in intelligence reports that she received. “For weeks, right here on this program, we have been demanding answers about who knew what, and when, about the surveillance of President Trump, candidate Trump and members of his transition team,” Hannity said Monday night. “Tonight, we appear to have a very important, key piece of this very complex puzzle.”

Some snarky liberal observers—even some on this website—have responded by suggesting that the news that Susan Rice may have done something that is probably legal after the election does not confirm Trump’s original tweets about being illegally wiretapped by Barack Obama beforethe election:

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What these know-it-alls are missing, though, is that Trump actually sent several other tweets that day. This second group of tweets has of course been ignored by the lying mainstream media, but Slateis reprinting them here as a public service on behalf of our president, who has definitely been proven right and 100 percent knows what he’s talking about.

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Wow! Eerie! Today, redemption is spelled T-R-U-M-P.

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