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South Korean military conducts air drills in response to North Korea's?planned satellite launch

2024-09-23 09:32:44 [新闻中心] 来源:Anhui News
The<strong></strong> North Korean military spy satellite Malligyong-1 in this Nov. 22, 2023 photo carried by the Korean Central News Agency. Newsis

The North Korean military spy satellite Malligyong-1 in this Nov. 22, 2023 photo carried by the Korean Central News Agency. Newsis

South Korea's military on Monday staged an air exercise near the border with North Korea in response to North Korea's planned launch of what it claims to be a military spy satellite.

Around 20 fighter jets, including F-35A stealth fighters, conducted the drills in a central region south of a no fly-zone near the inter-Korean border, the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) said, hours after the North notified Japan of its plan to launch a space rocket carrying a satellite between Monday and midnight of June 3.

"This strike package exercise was conducted to demonstrate the resolve and capabilities to punish immediately, strongly and until the end if the enemy undertakes a provocation," the JCS said in a statement.

North Korea's notice came before South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol, Chinese Premier Li Qiang and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida held a trilateral meeting in Seoul on Monday, where Yoon and Kishida called on the North to cease its launch plan.

The North designated three areas where debris will fall — two west of the Korean Peninsula and the other east of the Philippines' island of Luzon, according to Kyodo News.

Pyongyang has made public a plan to launch three more satellites this year following its first military reconnaissance satellite launch in November.

The launch plan comes despite international criticism that any launch using ballistic missile technology is in violation of U.N. Security Council resolutions.

"North Korea's purported military spy satellite launch is a provocative act that breaches the U.N. Security Council resolutions, and our military will implement measures that demonstrate our powerful capability and determination," Joint Chiefs of Staff spokesperson Col. Lee Sung-jun said in a regular press briefing.

Last week, the South Korean military said it had detected apparent signs of Pyongyang preparing for a military spy satellite launch at a launch site on its west coast.

Observers said that the North appears intent to secure intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) assets as it is far behind the allies in ISR capabilities despite its focus on developing an array of formidable weapons systems, including submarine-launched ballistic missiles and tactical nuclear arms. (Yonhap)


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