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Trump goes on Twitter rant about Mueller probe and asks: What about her emails?

2024-09-23 17:25:05 [关于我们] 来源:Anhui News

President Donald Trump had taken a little break from his tradition of unhinged Sunday morning Twitter rants. But he was back with a vengeance this week, ready to spew out all the pent up frustration and served up a whopping six angry tweets that started out slamming the New York Times, went on to criticize Robert Mueller’s probe, worry about the midterms, all to end with the cherry on the unhinged sundae: talk of Hillary Clinton’s emails.

The string of tweets started out with what evidently had angered Trump the most on Sunday, a New York Times story that reported an emissary representing the governments of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates offered to help Trump win the presidency several months before the election.


“The Failing and Crooked (but not as Crooked as Hillary Clinton) @nytimes has done a long & boring story,” wrote Trump, in a clever use of foreshadowing that gave us a hint that he was getting ready to talk about his opponent in the presidential election. He went on to call the investigation into whether his campaign colluded with Russia “the World’s most expensive Witch Hunt” that is now “looking at the rest of the World” because it hasn’t found anything on Russia.


The president proceeded to harp about the cost of the “Witch Hunt composed of 13 Angry and Heavily Conflicted Democrats” wondering when it will “STOP!” Even as investigators “have found no Collusion with Russia, No Obstruction” they aren’t focusing on what’s important, the “corruption in the Hilary Clinton Campaign.”

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Trump then went on to send a warning to Republicans who somehow think the ongoing probe is just about the president and doesn’t affect them, saying that the increasing scope of the investigation means it can go on until the mid-terms and “put some hurt on the Republican Party.”

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The commander in chief continued complaining about how no one is paying attention to the vast amounts of Democratic Party corruption, focusing on “the Server” that was “at the center of so much Corruption.” He then went on to ask “why hasn’t the Podesta brother been charged and arrested, like others, after being forced to close down his very large and successful firm?”

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In case you were wondering, Trump has only written two tweets about the school shooting in Santa Fe, Texas that killed 10 people. The last time he tweeted about it was Friday.

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