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Footage of Kim Yo

2024-09-22 20:33:35 [关于我们] 来源:Anhui News
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un,<strong></strong> right, attends a ceremony alongside his daughter, Ju-ae, to mark the completion of a new street in Pyongyang, May 14, 2024, in this photo carried by the North's official Korean Central News Agency. Yonhap

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, right, attends a ceremony alongside his daughter, Ju-ae, to mark the completion of a new street in Pyongyang, May 14, 2024, in this photo carried by the North's official Korean Central News Agency. Yonhap

By Kwak Yeon-soo

Recent footage of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's young daughter being escorted to the podium by her aunt, Kim Yo-jong, at a ceremony in Pyongyang has sparked speculation that the child may be considered her father's potential successor.

The North's state-run Korean Central News Agency broadcast footage, Monday, of Kim Yo-jong bowing to her niece, Kim Jong-un’s daughter Ju-ae, during a ceremony on Sunday. At the event, where 250 new tactical ballistic transporter erector launchers were unveiled, Kim Yo-jong guided Ju-ae to her seat. Ju-ae stood upright, glanced at her aunt, and then confidently walked up to the podium.

Experts said this rare scene indicates that Ju-ae is her father's potential successor

“Kim Yo-jong’s notable reverence toward Ju-ae, North Korea’s chief propagandist, suggests that the Kim family may be positioning Ju-ae as the country's next leader,” Cheong Seong-chang, director of the Center for Korean Peninsula Strategy at the Sejong Institute, said.

“Although there is no official announcement yet given that Ju-ae is still young, it seems like the North Korean leader has already begun planning his succession. He seems to have told his close aides and family that Ju-ae will be his heir.”

Although her age hasn’t been revealed, Ju-ae is believed to be around 10 years old.

Ironically, Ju-ae was not identified by state media at Sunday’s ceremony, where Kim Jong-un praised the new weaponry as a deterrent against U.S. nuclear threats.

“Since North Korean residents continue to suffer from severe flooding, there could be a strong backlash if state media bestows praise on Ju-ae. There have been several cases when she was not mentioned, although she accompanied her father to important state events,” Cheong said.

The National Intelligence Service (NIS) said in a report to the parliamentary intelligence committee on July 29 that Ju-ae appears to be the favorite to take the place of her father in light of her frequent public appearances with him.

The NIS said around 60 percent of Ju-ae’s past public activities involved accompanying her father to military events, while some others were economy-related. It said North Korea’s use of the term "hyangdo," which means guidance and is used only to refer to top leaders or successors, suggests that she is on the path to becoming the next leader.

The Ministry of Unification said the government still believes that Ju-ae is deemed the most likely heir to Kim Jong-un. “Kim Ju-ae made her first public appearance in about three months on Sunday. Only photos were released without any remarks. For now, we will refrain from speculating on the implications and continue to monitor her activities closely,” a unification ministry official said.

Ju-ae made her first public appearance in late 2022 when she accompanied her father to the launch of a new intercontinental ballistic missile. Since then, she has been spotted at many of her father's public activities, including military drills. Her title had been changed over time, from “beloved child” to “respected child” and to “morning star general.”



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