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N. Korea's Kim inspects construction site of ruling party's training school

2024-09-21 19:32:41 [关于我们] 来源:Anhui News
This <strong></strong>photo shows Kim Jong-un inspecting a construction site of the North's ruling party training school on Sunday. (KCNA)This photo shows Kim Jong-un inspecting a construction site of the North's ruling party training school on Sunday. (KCNA)

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un inspected a construction site of the North's ruling party training school, the North's state media reported Sunday.

"The training school with a total floor space of over 133,000 square meters will be equipped with advanced educational systems and have the high level of educational conditions and environment," the North's Korean Central News Agency reported.

The construction of the school for cadets of the North's ruling Workers' Party of Korea will be completed in May, according to the report.

The report said Kim "clearly set forth the immortal guidelines and fighting strategies for strengthening the WPK with his outstanding ideological and theoretical wisdom and extraordinary leadership and has led it to victory."

The report did not specify when Kim gave the "field guidance," but he "personally chose the site of construction and meticulously indicated the principal tasks concerning the design while energetically guiding the work to turn the training school into a better university than others." (Yonhap)


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