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Defector seems to have swam across border to North Korea from Gangwha Island

2024-09-23 11:21:26 [关于我们] 来源:Anhui News
Han River flows between South Korea's Gangwha Island and North Korea's Kaepung,<strong></strong> Monday. A North Korean defector is believed to have swam across the border after going through a drain under barbed wire fences to evade South Korean border guards, military officials say. Yonhap
Han River flows between South Korea's Gangwha Island and North Korea's Kaepung, Monday. A North Korean defector is believed to have swam across the border after going through a drain under barbed wire fences to evade South Korean border guards, military officials say. Yonhap

A North Korean defector is believed to have swam across the border from the western island of Gwanghwa after going through a drain under barbed wire fences to evade South Korean border guards, military officials said Monday.

The border crossing by the 24-year-old man was made known after North Korea revealed Sunday that a "runaway" returned home in the border city of Kaesong with coronavirus symptoms and leader Kim Jong-un blocked off the entire city and implemented a state of emergency to prevent the virus from spreading.

11 North Korean defectors returned home over past 5 years 11 North Korean defectors returned home over past 5 years 2020-07-27 12:02  |  North Korea
South Korea's military came under fire for failing to detect the crossing.

"We spotted the specific location from which he fled to the North on Ganghwa Island, as a bag believed to belong to the man was found," JCS spokesperson Col. Kim Jun-rak told a regular briefing.

He appears to have passed through a drain under barbed wire fences to evade border guards, and the drain leads to the Yellow Sea, the officer said, apparently suggesting that the man swam back to his homeland. (Yonhap)


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