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Dwayne Johnson responds to a cute promposal with the sweetest gesture

2024-09-23 06:29:28 [新闻中心] 来源:Anhui News

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is better at saying "no" than any of you.

On April 15, a Minnesota high school studio named Katie Kelzenberg shot her shot: She posted a video of herself on Twitter asking Johnson to be her date to the senior prom. A "promposal," if you will.

SEE ALSO:The Rock finally explains his beef with Vin Diesel on 'Fate of the Furious'

It's very sweet. See for yourself.

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Unfortunately for Kelzenberg, Johnson is going to be in Hawaii that day, shooting Disney's Jungle Cruise. But he was so impressed with the gutsy teen's invite that he recorded a video reply for her on Friday.

He's all class, too. Yes, he ultimately turns down the invite. But he's so appreciative of the invite and Kelzenberg's earnest display of fandom that he comes up with a consolation offer: "Uncle DJ" is renting out a theater for her, her family, and all of her friends -- with free popcorn and candy, of course -- for a private screening of Rampage.

The Instagram video's accompanying note also mentions that arrangements were made with Kelzenberg's school, so she got to learn about Johnson's gift from a pre-recorded message played during the morning PA announcement, with the whole school listening.

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What a nice dude.

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