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Lady Gaga politely extinguishes the Chainsmokers' diss

2024-09-23 09:34:17 [关于我们] 来源:Anhui News

The Chainsmokers' inexplicable success is matched by the public's unfiltered loathing towards the electronic duo because, well, they seem like huge jerks.

Still, a couple dudes bragging about banging models as they get used to fame and fortune is, sadly, par for the course. But dissing Rihanna and Lady Gaga on your way up? That's taking things too far.

But don't worry -- Mother Monster's here to put them in their place.

SEE ALSO:The Chainsmokers bro would like everyone to stop calling him a bro

The drama began when The Chainsmokers' Alex Pall offered his take on Gaga's "Perfect Illusion" in a recent Rolling Stoneprofile, saying, "It sucks."

His bandmate, Drew Taggart, sort of defended Gaga. "She's a great artist – like, Jeff Koons made a sculpture of her," Taggart said.

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"I agree," Pall conceded, searching in the depths of his skull for a more nuanced argument. "And a lot of talented people worked on that song. But  . . ."

The comments, of course, sparked a Twitter party.

Now Gaga herself has responded by simply suggesting they give her nicotine-friendly new single a shot.

"I can't wait to smoke them all / Whole pack like Marlboro / Blow it in your face, " sings Gaga on "A-YO."

Sounds like she and The Chainsmokers have some common ground and, to their credit, they have a sense of humor about the whole thing. They do not confirm that Gaga's new single is a banger, however.

Her tweet is a masterful bit of shade wrapped in a peace offering, and the Little Monsters are declaring victory.


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