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Moyes confident of West Ham board backing

2024-09-23 12:20:56 [资讯] 来源:Anhui News

David Moyes insists he has the full support of West Ham's board despite mounting criticism from fans frustrated by their club's slump towards the Premier League relegation zone.

West Ham head to Leeds on Wednesday looking to ease the pressure on Moyes by avoiding a sixth successive league defeat.

The east Londoners are just one place above the bottom three, sitting level on points with third bottom Nottingham Forest after last week's dismal home defeat against Brentford.

Angry Hammers supporters were quick to show their displeasure at the team's latest flop, increasing the heat on former Manchester United boss Moyes.

But the Scot is confident he is not facing the sack because he retains the support of co-owners David Sullivan and David Gold.

"I am feeling really good because I have great support from David Sullivan and the board," Moyes said on Tuesday.

"They have been right behind me which is really good because you can put yourself under pressure a little bit. But overall they have been really good and really supportive in backing me."

Moyes, in his second spell in charge of West Ham, was widely praised after the team's impressive run to a seventh place finish in the Premier League last season.

The former Everton boss knows things can change quickly when results dip, but he is hopeful a good run will put him back in favour.

"I think the West Ham supporters have been incredibly supportive. They have seen what has gone on here in the past three years, and would probably say the opposite to the club changing manager," he said.

"They are desperate for us to do well, and desperate for the manager to do well.

"We have to buck up, do better, play better and find a way of winning games which is they key."


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