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People are sharing their best spill videos after one woman spilled 22 quarts of ranch dressing

2024-09-23 16:15:55 [新闻中心] 来源:Anhui News

A video of a woman accidentally spilling a giant tub of ranch is bringing Twitter users together to share different stories of their own disasters.

It all started when Twitter user @BorboaGrant shared video of a coworker's spectacular spill of 22 quarts of ranch.

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That clip inspired others to share their own videos of spills caught on camera. The result? Perhaps the greatest thread in Twitter history, and I'm only being slightly hyperbolic.

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The thread is full of more spills and thrills from restaurants all over the world and is well worth perusing. But perhaps the most commonly used video is a classic clip from The Officewhere in Kevin spills a giant vat of chili.

Undercook the onions, folks.

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