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Someone ordered a massive box of fried food and the internet had a lot to say about it

2024-09-23 02:29:13 [新闻中心] 来源:Anhui News

What will £10 ($12.84) get you in this day and age?

If you live in Scotland and have a rather large appetite, it could get you this staggering amount of fried food plus a large bottle of Scottish soda Irn-Bru.

SEE ALSO:We tried avocado chocolate toast, the new 'it' food according to at least one pop star

Known as a "crunch box" this dish features various fried food items resting on a bed of chips.

Twitter user @RossMcCaff posted an image of this incredible fried food bargain and people had a lot of questions about it.

Some people actually complained about the quantity of the fried stuff in the box.

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Some made suggestions about what should be included in the box of food.

McCafferty addressed many internetters' concerns about the contents of the box.

Others viewed the crunch box more as an object worthy of anthropological analysis.

But the crunch box mostly left the Scots proud. Like this user, who was inspired by the box to sing the 1977 song 'Caledonia,' one of the Scottish national anthems.

Take a good look at that crunch box. For as long as you live you'll surely never see that many calories in one place.

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