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Renegade squirrel almost dies in Olympics snowboarding competition

2024-09-22 10:38:23 [行业动态] 来源:Anhui News

A squirrel with a death wish was nearly run over during the parallel giant slalom at the 2018 Winter Olympics on Saturday.

Austrian snowboarder Daniela Ulbing was in the middle of her run when a squirrel suddenly ran onto the slope just inches in front of her snowboard.

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SEE ALSO:You don't need snow to ski because you can now ski in VR

In typical squirrel fashion, the rodent came face-to-face with the moment of impact before deciding the slalom course was a bad place to be. It turned around only after nearly colliding with Ulbing.

Though the moment was quick, it does appear that Ulbing spotted the squirrel, and possibly adjusted her path to avoid a collision. The world thanks you, Ulbing.

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