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Sons save up for 10 years to buy their mother her dream car

2024-09-23 06:33:04 [新闻中心] 来源:Anhui News

As you get a little older and a little wiser, you start to understand those sacrifices your parents have made over the years.

For brothers Daniel and Jason Knust from Wollongong in Australia, Christmas was the perfect opportunity to say a true thank you to the woman who raised them. So, they bought their mother, Carol, a brand new BMW -- something they've been saving up for 10 years to buy.

SEE ALSO:I've never had a boyfriend at Christmas and I couldn't be happier

"One day, my mum, she said to us that she wanted her own BMW. It's something that's been in the back of my mind for a long time, and it's something I've always wanted to do," Daniel told Mashable.

The car was finally revealed to Daniel's mum last Friday. The two sons filmed the surprise and posted it to Daniel's Instagram account.

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Like many kids, the brothers were a bit troublesome in their youth and their mother juggled two different jobs to raise them single-handed.

"We got into quite a bit of mischief when we were younger, and she did a lot to keep us in line. She worked two jobs to keep us in school. And so it was a way to say thank you for everything. One of the goals, for us, was to be able to repay her and look after her later in life," Daniel said.

Mashable ImageCredit: Daniel knust

But, you know, if you can't afford a luxury car, you could tell your parents you're thankful.

"I've even said before ... it doesn't have to necessarily be a material gift, even just telling them you're appreciative and grateful for them is pretty important. Because very often we take things for granted," he said.

So, go and hug someone important to you this Christmas.

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