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Trump praises late mom in Mother’s Day video—but fails to mention Melania.

2024-09-22 01:00:00 [资讯] 来源:Anhui News

President Donald Trump posted a Mother’s Day video to Twitter in which he praised his late mother, Mary MacLeod Trump. “So much of what I’ve done and so much of what I’ve become is because of my mother,” Trump says in a monotone voice during the video. “I miss her a lot.” Yet there is one key person the president somehow failed to mention in the entire video—First Lady Melania Trump. The mother of her 12-year-old son, Barron, was not mentioned once during the entire address (and for that matter neither were the mothers of his other children, Ivana Trump and Marla Maples).

“She was just incredible,” Trump said of his late mother who died at age 88 in 2000. “Warm, loving, really smart, could be tough if she had to be, but basically she was a really nice person.”

It doesn’t seem Mother’s Day was a big deal in the First Family. Trump went to the Trump National Golf Club in Sterling, Virginia on Sunday. It marked the 155th day the president has spent at a property bearing his name since he took office, and the 113th day at a golf property.

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Although Trump also visited the Virginia golf course on Mother’s Day last year, he at least mentioned Melania in a tweet wishing “all of the great mothers out there a wonderful day ahead with family and friends!”


Melania Trump made a brief mention of Mother’s Day on social media, posting a photo of a bouquet of pink roses with a simple message: “Happy Mother’s Day!”


You know who didn’t neglect to mention his wife on Mother’s Day? Trump’s predecessor.

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