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Charlottesville really happened. Don't look away.

2024-09-22 00:58:17 [资讯] 来源:Anhui News

The eyes of the nation -- and the world -- turned to Charlottesville, Virginia on Saturday after a "Unite the Right" white supremacist rally descended into chaos.

The rally brought together the members of various white nationalist hate groups, including neo-Nazis, the Ku Klux Klan, and their smaller sub-factions. They were greeted by an army of protesters who were there to demonstrate that hateful ideologies aren't welcome in public spaces.

SEE ALSO:Trump blames 'many sides' for violence in Charlottesville

The gathering quickly turned violent as hate groups and protesters clashed, an outcome that was foreshadowed on Friday night when a mob of torch-bearing racists converged on the University of Virginia campus.

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Early on Saturday, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe declared a state of emergency and the city designated the rally an "unlawful assembly." Neither move shut down the violence, which peaked when a car rammed into a crowd of protesters, leaving at least one dead and 19 injured. Many have since characterized that incident as an act of domestic terrorism.

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Images and video footage from Charlottesville left many Americans in shock even as it highlighted the strong divisions that run rampant across the nation. These photos are a jarring reminder that racism is alive and well in this country, and that hate of any calibre should never be tolerated.

Don't look away. Remember: You can't fight a thing without seeing it first.

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