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Capito departs Williams after two years

2024-09-22 18:23:10 [资讯] 来源:Anhui News

Williams Racing CEO and Team Principal Jost Capito is leaving after two years in the job, the British Formula One outfit announced on Monday.

The 64-year-old former German motorsport executive joined Williams in 2020 after it was bought by investment group Dorilton Capital.

Frenchman Francois-Xavier Demaison, Williams' technical director since 2021, is also leaving the team.

"Williams Racing will announce its new Team Principal and Technical Director in due course," the team said in a statement.

The departures follow a year which saw Williams finish last in the Constructors' Championship with eight points.

"It has been a huge privilege to lead Williams Racing for the last two seasons and to lay the foundations for the turnaround of this great team," Capito said.

"I look forward to watching the team as it continues on its path to future success."

Dorilton Capital chairman Matthew Savage added: "We would like to thank Jost for his hard work and dedication as we embarked on a major transformation process to begin the journey of reviving Williams Racing.

"We're grateful that Jost postponed his planned retirement to take on this challenge and now he will pass the reins on for the next part of this staged process."

Capito raced motorbikes in the 1970s and, driving with his father, won the truck category in Paris-Dakar in 1985.

He moved into motorsports management with Ford and then Volkswagen, and also had Formula One stints at Sauber, Jordan and McLaren.


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