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N. Korea’s denial of arms transfers to Russia suggests fears of tougher sanctions: experts

2024-09-22 12:39:24 [资讯] 来源:Anhui News
Kim Yo-jong,<strong></strong> North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's sister, is seen in this file photo. Yonhap

Kim Yo-jong, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's sister, is seen in this file photo. Yonhap

Ministry of Unification calls Pyongyang weapons exports to Moscow illegalBy Kwak Yeon-soo

North Korea’s denials of providing Russia with weapons to be used in its war against Ukraine, despite clear evidence to the contrary, shows that the reclusive regime is concerned about damaging its image further in the West and the potential for tougher sanctions, according to experts, Friday.

In a statement carried by its state-run media earlier in the day, Kim Yo-jong, the powerful sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, said North Korean weapons are intended to target Seoul, not for exports to Russia.

“We have no intention to export our military technical capabilities to any country or open them to the public. Our tactical weapons, including multiple rocket launchers and missiles, will be used to prevent Seoul from inventing any idle thinking,” Kim was quoted as saying by the North’s official Korean Central News Agency.

South Korea and the United States accuse North Korea of supplying artillery, missiles and other conventional weapons to Russia to support its war in Ukraine. U.N. sanctions envoys to North Korea confirmed that Russia used North Korean Hwaseong-11 series ballistic missile in the Jan. 2 attack on the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv. Kim rejected the allegations of North Korea-Russian arms exchange, calling it “the most absurd paradox.”

“Kim’s statement suggests that North Korea is concerned about international sanctions. I believe sanctions are still an effective tool. North Korea fears that if it admits its arms dealings with Russia, it may turn its European allies into enemies,” said Park Won-gon, professor of North Korean studies at Ewah Womans University.

N. Korea fires short-range ballistic missiles toward East Sea: JCSN. Korea fires short-range ballistic missiles toward East Sea: JCS 2024-05-17 15:37  |  North Korea

Yang Moo-jin, the president of the University of North Korean Studies, said North Korea wants to stop the spread of information about the arms exchange with Russia because both countries are subject to Western sanctions.

“It is part of North Korea’s propaganda approach to develop a voice in global affairs. Kim’s statement comes amid Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping holding talks in Beijing, the West pressuring North Korea and Russia with sanctions and South Korea planning to stage Ulchi Freedom Shiled, a joint annual military drill with the U.S. in August,” Yang said.

Kim In-ae, deputy spokesperson for South Korea's unification ministry, speaks at a press briefing at the Government Complex Seoul, Friday.

Kim In-ae, deputy spokesperson for South Korea's unification ministry, speaks at a press briefing at the Government Complex Seoul, Friday.

Experts said it is reasonable to speculate that Pyongyang is not only developing weapons for military purposes but also considering exports to Russia.

The North Korean leader has recently conducted inspections at weapons development sites. Last Friday, he oversaw a test-firing of controllable shells for “the technically updated version” of the 240-millimeter multiple rocket launcher system. The weapon system is believed to be targeted at South Korea’s broader capital region.

“It may be true that North Korea is honing existing weapons to attack Seoul, but we cannot rule out the possibility of the country pulling weapons from its stocks and shipping them to Russia after further testing and deploying,” Yang said.

However, Park said North Korea may potentially experience shortages domestically.

“I’m skeptical about North Korea providing the updated version of the 240-millimeter multiple rocket launcher system to Russia. I don’t think the country can keep up its production goals.”

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Unification condemned North Korea’s illegal arms dealings with Russia.

“Arms exchange between Pyongyang and Moscow is a violation of multiple U.N. Security Council (UNSC) resolutions. Arms exports to Russia must stop immediately,” the ministry’s deputy spokesperson Kim In-ae said during a press briefing, Friday.


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