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North Korea greets Xi with lavish ceremony [PHOTOS]

2024-09-23 02:28:17 [关于我们] 来源:Anhui News
In this <strong></strong>image taken from a video footage run by China's CCTV, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, front right, and Chinese President Xi Jinping, front left, walk together on Xi's arrival at an airport in Pyongyang, North Korea, Thursday, June 20, 2019. The leaders of China and North Korea met in the North's capital on Thursday, their fifth meeting in 15 months, with stalled nuclear negotiations with Washington expected to be on the agenda. (CCTV via AP)
In this image taken from a video footage run by China's CCTV, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, front right, and Chinese President Xi Jinping, front left, walk together on Xi's arrival at an airport in Pyongyang, North Korea, Thursday, June 20, 2019. The leaders of China and North Korea met in the North's capital on Thursday, their fifth meeting in 15 months, with stalled nuclear negotiations with Washington expected to be on the agenda. (CCTV via AP)

In this image taken from a video footage run by China's CCTV, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, front right, and Chinese President Xi Jinping, front left, walk together on Xi's arrival at an airport in Pyongyang, North Korea, Thursday, June 20, 2019. The leaders of China and North Korea met in the North's capital on Thursday, their fifth meeting in 15 months, with stalled nuclear negotiations with Washington expected to be on the agenda. (CCTV via AP)
People welcome General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and Chinese President Xi Jinping at the square of the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun in Pyongyang, capital of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), June 20, 2019. Xi arrived here Thursday for a state visit to the DPRK. (Xinhua/Huang Jingwen)

In this image taken from a video footage run by China's CCTV, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, front right, and Chinese President Xi Jinping, front left, walk together on Xi's arrival at an airport in Pyongyang, North Korea, Thursday, June 20, 2019. The leaders of China and North Korea met in the North's capital on Thursday, their fifth meeting in 15 months, with stalled nuclear negotiations with Washington expected to be on the agenda. (CCTV via AP)
People welcome General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and Chinese President Xi Jinping at the square of the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun in Pyongyang, capital of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), June 20, 2019. Xi arrived here Thursday for a state visit to the DPRK. (Xinhua/Shen Hong)

In this image taken from a video footage run by China's CCTV, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, front right, and Chinese President Xi Jinping, front left, walk together on Xi's arrival at an airport in Pyongyang, North Korea, Thursday, June 20, 2019. The leaders of China and North Korea met in the North's capital on Thursday, their fifth meeting in 15 months, with stalled nuclear negotiations with Washington expected to be on the agenda. (CCTV via AP)
People welcome General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and Chinese President Xi Jinping on the street in Pyongyang, capital of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), June 20, 2019. Xi arrived here Thursday for a state visit to the DPRK. (Xinhua/Jiang Yaping)

In this image taken from a video footage run by China's CCTV, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, front right, and Chinese President Xi Jinping, front left, walk together on Xi's arrival at an airport in Pyongyang, North Korea, Thursday, June 20, 2019. The leaders of China and North Korea met in the North's capital on Thursday, their fifth meeting in 15 months, with stalled nuclear negotiations with Washington expected to be on the agenda. (CCTV via AP)
People welcome General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and Chinese President Xi Jinping on the street in Pyongyang, capital of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), June 20, 2019. Xi arrived here Thursday for a state visit to the DPRK. (Xinhua/Jiang Yaping)

Xi asks Kim to resume US-NK denuke talks Xi asks Kim to resume US-NK denuke talks 2019-06-20 17:14  |  Politics Kim, Xi hold summit talks in Pyongyang Kim, Xi hold summit talks in Pyongyang 2019-06-20 16:59  |  North Korea
In this image taken from a video footage run by China's CCTV, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, front right, and Chinese President Xi Jinping, front left, walk together on Xi's arrival at an airport in Pyongyang, North Korea, Thursday, June 20, 2019. The leaders of China and North Korea met in the North's capital on Thursday, their fifth meeting in 15 months, with stalled nuclear negotiations with Washington expected to be on the agenda. (CCTV via AP)
People welcome General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and Chinese President Xi Jinping at the square of the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun in Pyongyang, capital of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), June 20, 2019. Xi arrived here Thursday for a state visit to the DPRK. (Xinhua/Shen Hong)

In this image taken from a video footage run by China's CCTV, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, front right, and Chinese President Xi Jinping, front left, walk together on Xi's arrival at an airport in Pyongyang, North Korea, Thursday, June 20, 2019. The leaders of China and North Korea met in the North's capital on Thursday, their fifth meeting in 15 months, with stalled nuclear negotiations with Washington expected to be on the agenda. (CCTV via AP)
People welcome General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and Chinese President Xi Jinping at the square of the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun in Pyongyang, capital of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), June 20, 2019. Xi arrived here Thursday for a state visit to the DPRK. (Xinhua/Shen Hong)

In this image taken from a video footage run by China's CCTV, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, front right, and Chinese President Xi Jinping, front left, walk together on Xi's arrival at an airport in Pyongyang, North Korea, Thursday, June 20, 2019. The leaders of China and North Korea met in the North's capital on Thursday, their fifth meeting in 15 months, with stalled nuclear negotiations with Washington expected to be on the agenda. (CCTV via AP)
A military band prepares to welcome General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and Chinese President Xi Jinping at the square of the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun in Pyongyang, capital of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), June 20, 2019. Xi arrived here Thursday for a state visit to the DPRK. (Xinhua/Shen Hong)


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