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Granny uses her $1200 Louis Vuitton to bag her fish from the market

2024-09-22 06:53:37 [行业动态] 来源:Anhui News

There's something fishy about this tale, but that's probably coming from the luxury handbag in it.

A man in Taiwan recounted on Dcard, a Whisper-style confessions site, how his grandma used the luxury designer bag he bought her.

The bag, from Louis Vuitton's Neverfull range, retails for about $1,260.00.

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The anonymous man who posted from the Taipei-based China University of Technology, said that he bought the bag for his grandmother because it's been a while since she bought herself a new one:

Mashable ImageCredit: Ng yi Shu/Mashable

"My grandmother doesn't really understand all this luxury stuff, so usually uses those traditional Chinese flower-print cloth bags," the man says. "I bought the LV bag for my grandmother last month -- like the classic ones which are very big. I don't know how to pick one myself, so I asked the store assistant to pick one out for me."

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Mashable ImageCredit: Ng Yi Shu/Mashable

"I went home today to visit my grandmother, and I couldn't believe it -- her bag was filled with milkfish!" he adds. "I was rather worked up, so I asked my grandma: 'Why would you put fish in here, without a plastic bag? It's an LV bag.'"

Mashable ImageCredit: Ng YI Shu/Mashable

He says his grandma thanked him for the bag, saying: "It doesn't leak! It's just a little heavy."

Mashable ImageCredit: Ng Yi Shu/Mashable

"I was too worked up, and I forgot to take a picture," he says. "Grandma then flashed her charming smile, and I thought, 'It's okay, as long as she's happy, then I'd have done my duty as a grandson.'"

Mashable ImageCredit: Ng Yi Shu/Mashable

The post is going viral on Dcard, where it's been liked over 31,000 times.

Mashable ImageCredit: Ng Yi Shu/Mashable

"Wow, your grandmother walks at the forefront of fashion at the market!" said a user.

Mashable ImageCredit: NG YI SHU/MASHABLE

"Your grandmother certainly has the most fashionable vegetable basket in town."

Mashable ImageCredit: NG YI SHU/MASHABLE

"Imagine the look on their faces when some rich lady finds out she has the same bag as your grandmother."

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