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David Harbour recreated THAT scene from 'The Shining' and it's frankly terrifying

2024-09-22 12:41:30 [行业动态] 来源:Anhui News

All work and no play makes David Harbour the terrifying star of his own version of The Shining.

The Stranger Thingsactor posted a video to Instagram on Halloween night, in which he recreates the famous scene from Stanley Kubrick's iconic adaptation of Stephen King's classic horror novel.

You know the scene. Jack Nicholson's Jack Torrance is about to axe-chop his way through the bathroom door with an unforgettably horrific "Heeeeeere's Johnny!" – but before that, there's some quietly chilling and iconic Big Bad Wolf lines to lay down.

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Here's Harbour's version:

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Harbour's recreation is frankly just as unsettling, largely thanks to his intensity, projection, and pacing. Those eyes! That gravelly voice! The slow turn.

We know he's just mucking around at home with his cinematographer Kris Jenner (we see your strong Halloween costume too, Lily Allen), but this makes us think Harbour was a missed opportunity for the just-released Shining sequel Doctor Sleep.

SEE ALSO:25 magnificent David Harbour Instagrams to fill the 'Stranger Things'-shaped hole in your life

It could have done with one more additional line though: "And that's how I got into Julliard!"


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