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Kane keen to build strong relationship with Mourinho at Spurs

2024-09-22 06:49:56 [资讯] 来源:Anhui News
LONDON:Tottenham Hotspur striker Harry Kane hopes the club's winning start under new manager Jose Mourinho can help forge a strong relationship between the pair and lead to trophies.

Mourinho's first home game as Spurs boss suffered a shocking start, ending happily, though, as Kane scored a brace that helped his team come from behind to beat Olympiakos Piraeus 4-2 and reach the Champions League last 16 on Tuesday.

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That win came after a 3-2 Premier League victory at West Ham United in the Portuguese manager's first match in charge following the sacking of Mauricio Pochettino last week.

"When you are winning, it definitely helps your relationship. Hopefully we can build a strong relationship," Kane told the British media. "It's early days. We have a good relationship so far. We talk, we try and help the team ... Me being one of the leaders in the team he looks to me for feelings and advice on the team."

Kane previously said Tottenham had found a "proven winner" in Mourinho as they bid to end an 11-year title drought.

The former Porto, Chelsea, Inter Milan, Real Madrid and Manchester United boss has claimed 25 major honours, but that record will be put to the test at Spurs, who have not won a title since the 2008 League Cup.

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"We know we both want to win big competitions. That's the team's aim, my aim and the manager's aim. Hopefully I can help him do that this year and see where we can go," Kane said. "He's had two games. So far it's been about trying to save energy, not trying to work too much with the players because of the games.

"But we obviously have a long season ahead so I'm sure we will get to know each other well over the next few weeks and implement what he wants on our team."

Tottenham, who are 10th in the Premier League with 17 points, host Bournemouth on Saturday.


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