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Man moves furniture so his wife can make snow angels for 29 Instagram followers

2024-09-23 03:19:59 [新闻中心] 来源:Anhui News

Christmas is a time to show our nearest and dearest just how much we love them. But some people really know how to go the distance.

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Case in point Taylor Burkhalter's mum and dad.

Baurkhalter paid tribute to his folks on Christmas eve with a tweet captioned: "I’ve learned more about love from watching my dad reluctantly rearrange the living room so my mom can make snow angel boomerangs for her 29 Instagram followers than anything else in life."

The adorable tweet has since been retweeted over 200 thousand times. The level of dedication was not lost on people:

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Unsurprisingly Taylor's mom Libby, a personal trainer and health coach based in Louisana, has gained a helluva lot of Instagram followers.

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Her page had 9,704 followers and rising at the time of publication.

Nice work.

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