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The Thursday Slatest newsletter.

2024-09-23 06:31:34 [资讯] 来源:Anhui News

Today’s biggest stories:

  • An EgyptAir flight carrying 66 people between Paris and Cairo is believed to have crashed in the Mediterranean; the cause of the disaster is unknown, and there are conflicting reports about whether wreckage has been found. 
  • A major blow to defendants’ rights was struck by Ruth Bader Ginsburg (!).
  • It’s still early, but Donald Trump has pulled ahead of Hillary Clinton in some polls. (Here’s today’s Trump Apocalypse Watch.)
  • A Trump convention delegate was indicted on child pornography charges.
  • A rigorous survey of Native Americans found little opposition to the Washington NFL team’s use of its controversial nickname.
  • And Stephen Curry a.k.a. Steph a.k.a. Chef Curry a.k.a. Stephen the Weapon a.k.a. the Oakland Rain God went stone-cold nuts last night, droppin’$2 15 points on the Oklahoma City Thunder in two minutes of game time.

Have a good night out there.

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