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Paris Agreement pullout and Connecticut’s fall from grace in Slate’s daily newsletter.

2024-09-23 05:23:28 [资讯] 来源:Anhui News

Après Paris: Donald Trump formally announced his decision to pull out of the Paris climate change accord Thursday afternoon. The selfish move is just another excuse for Trump to play the “victim,” Katy Waldman observes. But Susan Matthews reminds us that this is a businessman who isn’t used to caring about the long-term interests of others. Still, that doesn’t mean youhave to give up on the fight against climate change. Daniel Gross offers some tips on what you can do now.

Country club blues: Connecticut is experiencing corporate flight. Once the economic powerhouse of New England, the nation’s richest state is now seeing major companies like Aetna leaving its cities in droves. Henry Grabar investigates what’s going wrong and what might entice the country-clubbers to stay as job opportunities disappear.

The rise of hate:The violent attack at the hands of a white supremacist last week in Portland, Oregon, was just one of many hate crimes that have occurred over the past few months. Jamelle Bouie warns that these events are not isolated—and are intrinsically connected to the rise of Trump.

She’s no Wonder Feminist: Wonder Womanhits theaters this weekend, and while critics (including Slate’s Dana Stevens) are applauding, Christina Cauterucci isn’t impressed by its male gaze.

For fun: A recap of last night’s sloppy start to the 2017 NBA Finals on our new blog, Ring Don’t Lie.

And here I thought we’d always have Paris,

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