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George Zimmerman punched in the face for bragging about killing Trayvon Martin.

2024-09-22 16:34:33 [资讯] 来源:Anhui News

America’s national village idiot, George Zimmerman, was in the news again on Thursday after he was involved in an altercation because, witnesses say, he was bragging about shooting and killing Trayvon Martin in 2012. Details are still a bit sketchy, but the incident ended with Zimmerman calling 9-1-1 after getting punched in the face.

Zimmerman was hanging out at a local restaurant, when the scuffle broke out. Here’s what happened (via Orlando ABC affiliate WFTV):

…[W]itnesses inside Gators Riverside restaurant told authorities that the problem started because Zimmerman was bragging about killing the unarmed teen in 2012. Witnesses said they overheard Zimmerman say to someone, “I love your tattoos. My name is George Zimmerman, you know, that guy who killed Trayvon Martin?” Witness said Zimmerman also showed his identification card.

What happened next is still a little unclear, but what we do know is Zimmerman called 9-1-1 and reported that he had been punched in the face, by a man who apparently found Zimmerman’s conduct distasteful. “Zimmerman claimed he was explaining to people sitting at a table that he shot Trayvon Martin in self- defense when a large man approached and asked, ‘You’re bragging about that?’ before punching him Zimmerman in the face,” according to WFTV.

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