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This Tesla Cybertruck sculpted out of mashed potatoes is a mashterpiece

2024-09-23 09:27:16 [新闻中心] 来源:Anhui News

When you're a kid you're told not to play with your food. But what if creating works of art with your food was actually a good lesson in creativity.

As an adult, 30-year-old Greg Milano from Connecticut can play with his food all he wants. So on Thanksgiving on Thursday, he created a starchy version of Tesla's Cybertruck with some homemade mashed potatoes.

Greg's brother, Dan Milano, shared some videos on Twitter showing Greg carefully sculpting a glob of potatoes on a dinner plate with a knife. "My brother has been working on a mashed potato cybertruck for over an hour," Dan tweeted.

SEE ALSO:Tesla's Cybertruck window fail is funnier every time you watch it

Greg, who studied art history and architecture at Boston College, described himself to Mashable as "just a big kid."

No waste here. Greg took full advantage of the potatoes as he scooped out the truck's bed.

He even "mashed" the truck's windows, an homage to the company's embarrassing failure during the truck's launch last week.

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Eventually the truck was filled with some delicious gravy, and Dan tweeted that his brother "ate every bite."

"Part of the reason it all started because I love my mom’s recipe. Poured the gravy over it and ate it, I usually do!" he said.

When asked about the difficulty in shaping the truck, Greg said the "hardest part was achieving the angular and cold design in a soft and warm medium like mash potatoes."

He added it's "... always hard to carve under something like a car to make it look like it is standing on wheels."

Clearly, this isn't Greg's first go at mashed potato sculpting. He told Mashable that he's been sculpting things out of his mashed potatoes for as long as he can remember. "Mostly people asked jokingly, 'what are you going to do this year?' And [it] quickly became a Thanksgiving tradition," Greg said.

Mashable Imagelego mashed potatoesCredit: Greg Milano

As for his inspiration, Greg says that he tries to sculpt things that are "a color similar to mash potatoes and block like to keep it simple." He tries to keep things topical, too. In the past he's sculpted the White House in an election year, and a Hostess Cupcake and Twinkie the year that the company went bankrupt.

From Mashable, keep mashing, dude.


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