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Not going to Coachella? You can still watch Beyoncé perform

2024-09-22 10:38:01 [行业动态] 来源:Anhui News

Not one of the lucky few fleeing to the deserts of Indio, California in April? You're not alone -- there are plenty of people around the globe that won't get to bear witness to Beyoncé's long-awaited Coachella performance.

Thankfully, Coachella has just announced their streaming program — and Queen Bey's set is among the performances that will be broadcast on YouTube. So now you can enjoy her comeback from the comfort of your own home.

SEE ALSO:Beyoncé is going back on tour with Jay-Z, so start saving your coins nowMashable ImageCredit: youtube/coachella; beyoncé emphasis by mashable

Artists like Daniel Ceaser, The Weeknd, Tyler the Creator, and more (75 artists are confirmed now, more to be announced later) will also have their performances streamed throughout the duration of festival, which takes up two weekends, April 13-15 and April 20-22.

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Beyoncé was initially booked to perform the festival in 2017 but due to her pregnancy, was forced to reschedule it to this year. There have been plenty of rumors swirling regarding her show, but regardless of what actually goes down on the stage, it's already historic: Beyoncé will be the first black women to headline Coachella in the 20 years the festival has existed.

👏 👏 👏

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