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West Hollywood City Council votes to remove Trump's Walk of Fame star

2024-09-22 14:36:15 [关于我们] 来源:Anhui News

Donald Trump's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame has been pickaxed (twice!), covered in stickers, surrounded by a wall, spray-painted with a swastika, and defended by fake Russian guards. It's even inspired a popular meme. And now the West Hollywood City Council wants it removed altogether.

SEE ALSO:This photo of Melania Trump gardening is Twitter's new favorite meme

The proposal was approved on Monday night by the council, citing Trump's "disturbing treatment of women and other actions," and was announced by West Hollywood Mayor John Duran on Twitter.

The vote, though, is merely ceremonial and has no consequences for the beleaguered slab of concrete because the stars are overseen by the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce.

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Leron Gubler, president of the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, told CNN, "Once we receive a communication from the City of West Hollywood, it will be referred to our Executive Committee for consideration at their next meeting. As of now, there are no plans to remove any stars from the Hollywood Walk of Fame."

I mean, Bill Cosby's is still there, so what can you really expect at this point?

Meanwhile on Monday, the man who most recently vandalized Trump's star was charged. Austin Clay now faces one count of vandalism for his July 25 assault on the weird monument to Trump's celebrity.

In a sign of solidarity, Clay was bailed out by James Otis, the first person to destroy Trump's star with a pickaxe way back in those halcyon days of 2016. Now they're free to continue jackhammering away at the star while bailing each other out in perpetuity, which is also a pretty apt metaphor for what it feels like to live in the era of the Trump administration, anyway.

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