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'Did it hurt' memes are hilarious, painful, and taking over the internet

2024-09-23 13:23:27 [资讯] 来源:Anhui News

Did it hurt? Trying to find a way to start this blog?

If you've been online in the past day or so, you understand what I'm getting at here. Memes playing off the phrase "Did it hurt" have taken over the internet. These memes riff on that old, corny pickup line: Did it hurt?...When you fell from heaven?

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The memes are however, typically speaking, much better than that old pickup line and pretty varied in their execution. They are some mix of funny and well, kind of painful. Here were a few of our favorites.

1. Mr. Brightside

2. This one actually does hurt me to read, to be honest

3. Chiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill. No.

4. Probably did, to be honest

5. At least it's Wednesday though, am I right?

6. NEVER make me realize anything ever. I do not want to realize even one more thing. I am tired.

7. Ah the Milk Crate Challenge, it was short-lived and incredibly dangerous

8. Remember Survivor being a huge cultural thing?

9. Frankly, this is a wonderful Sopranos joke

10. That's amore, baby

11. Dang


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