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U.S. prepared for N. Korea's SLBM threat: U.S. Pacific Fleet commander

2024-09-23 02:24:27 [新闻中心] 来源:Anhui News

North Korea's development of submarine-launched ballistic missiles is "very destabilizing" to the security of the Asia-Pacific region and the United States is fully prepared to respond to any contingency situation, the commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet said Monday.

The assurance by U.S. Navy Adm. Scott Swift came amid growing military threats on the Korean Peninsula, especially after North Korea's test-firing of a submarine-launched ballistic missile in May.

It is very difficult to confirm the North's SLBM development due to a lack of transparency, the admiral said, refusing to say whether the test was real or only a photo shoot, as some critics claimed.

"Even if it was a photo shoot, there was a desire to pursue that capability and that is very destabilizing. So we need to approach it as if it is real," Swift said in a meeting with select reporters at the U.S. military base in the Yongsan district of Seoul. "Which is exactly the position that Gen. (Curtis) Scaparrotti (the commander of U.S. Forces Korea) has directed that we must assume it's real."

The Pacific Fleet commander is in Seoul to hold meetings with Adm. Choi Yoon-hee, chairman of South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Navy Chief of Staff Adm. Jung Ho-sup as well as top U.S. envoy to Seoul Mark Lippert.

The admiral stressed that given the uncertainly, the U.S. is confident with its ability to "respond to any contingency," also pledging a full U.S. commitment to safeguarding the region.

"The only Navy that is more powerful than the Pacific Fleet is the U.S. Navy ...  So I am very confident that despite the uncertainly on the peninsula within the maritime domain we are fully prepared to support Gen. Scaparrotti and Chairman Choi and do whatever may be necessary as of the present and future."

The Pacific Fleet is the Navy arm of the U.S. Pacific Command, which commands U.S. military operations in the Indo-Asia-Pacific region, which covers nearly 50 percent of the world's entire surface area. (Yonhap)


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